[307] Recommendations for improving standard Stereo

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by marty?not, Jul 11, 2003.

  1. marty?not

    marty?not Guest

    Apologies if this has been covered...

    One thing that drives me mad is the fairly poor sound from my 307 factory
    fitted stereo (have the 5cd dash changer). The volume is very quiet- and
    when pushed it rattles so much I thought there was a lion purring from
    within the doors (analogies have never been by strong point). Need to really
    push the headunit to get any sort of volume.

    I guess my options are either/all of the below

    -swap speakers; but with what? and how?
    -damping the lions using something...
    - replace head unit- is this possible?

    Any comments from experience would be great. Worth noting, I am incapable of
    doing any of the below myself- and would need to seek professional help...

    Many thanks
    marty?not, Jul 11, 2003
  2. marty?not

    Nighthawk Guest

    I have purchased my 307 just 36 hours ago and gave it a test run yesterday
    in the country.

    They certainly do not have the range as my previous car which had JBLs in

    I am also experiencing top end distortions when playing CDs in the stacker.
    These CDs are CDRs (as prefer not to keep the originals in the car). The
    problem usually stems in the stacker 1 and 2 slot. As it gets down, it gets
    better. I haven't had to time to play the originals as I will do that

    Has anyone experienced the same or is there a rectification for this?

    Car was built in June 2003.

    Kindest regards
    Nighthawk, Jul 11, 2003
  3. marty?not

    axl Guest

    .....Peugeot knows the problem and they cover them self with a warning in
    the car manual that playing CD R's could give problems with the car
    stereo, what is even worse is that copy-protected original cd's won't
    play at all in the Clarion or VDO dayton OEM stereo!
    axl, Jul 12, 2003
  4. marty?not

    Dave D Guest

    I also had the problem with CDRs in the 5cd changer. I got top end
    distortion and also found that they would stutter and jump tracks.

    After many weeks of experimentation I have found 2 solutions:

    1. Use "blue" CDRs. The player seems to be a lot more "compatible" with
    them. I use DataSafe branded CDR's from http://www.blankdiskshop.co.uk. I
    still have the odd problem, but far less frequently.

    2. Buy a Yamaha CD Writer and use their "Audio Master Q.R." mode. This
    lengthens and widens the CD pits (at the expense of loosing 10mins of space
    on the CDR) so that "older" players have less compatibility problems. This
    works a treat for me on any brand of CDR.

    Dave D, Jul 15, 2003
  5. marty?not

    SimonDS Guest

    write the discs slower! The slower the better. x8 max seems okay for me. x4
    is solid.
    SimonDS, Jul 16, 2003
  6. marty?not

    Nighthawk Guest

    I am using an older type burner (about 5 years old) but it is still a beauty
    and haven't faltered.

    This burner burns to a speed of 4x.

    I have used BASF and Princo disks Both are blue coated as I have prefered
    Princos as they have been proven better for the old styled DVD players when
    copying VCDs.

    Any advise?

    BTW. Thanks for the previous information I will use them.
    Nighthawk, Jul 20, 2003
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