307 SW

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by Ulf Nicoley, Dec 28, 2003.

  1. Ulf Nicoley

    Ulf Nicoley Guest

    Hi alltogether,
    i own a 307 SW. This car has got a line which indicates the amount of oil,
    which is in the car. This indikator in my car shows every amount of oil, but
    seldom the right one. My garage can´t fix the problem. Twice the electric
    parts of the car were changed. Does anyone knows, where the problem is and
    how it could be fixed?

    Greetings to all of you
    Ulf (Germany)
    Ulf Nicoley, Dec 28, 2003
  2. Ulf Nicoley

    Michael Shaw Guest

    I asked the dealer about this on my Citroen Berlingo, it only reads properly
    if the engine has been running.

    The dealer tells me it only works when the engine is cold and on the flat.
    Michael Shaw, Dec 29, 2003
  3. Hi there !

    I've had the same problem (and many more) with my previous 307 xs. The
    problem is in BSI, a main electronic unit that controls many many
    electronical devices. The Dealer can upgrade the software in the BSI unit.
    They tried to do so with my "old" 307 xs many times past the last year. At
    the end, after 9 or 10 visits to the mechanics at Peugeot, I got the chance
    to change to another model, which I did. So now I got a 307 SW. I've had it
    for almost one year now without any problems.

    Stian Pedersen, Dec 29, 2003
  4. Hi Ulf, Moin Ulf!

    This problem seems to be widespread. My Oil Indicator (307SW HDI 110)
    usually works. But sometimes (three times so far) it has indicated
    "malfunction" (according to the manual). This was shown by a single
    flashing square.

    As far as i have learned from the forums (i.e. at
    http://www.langzeittest.de ) much has been tried about this error but very
    seldomly led to success. The usual measure is updating the Software in the
    BSI. This might at least lead to the state i have currently.

    I personally can live with that (either correct display or occasionally a
    single square flashing) if that is the only problem on the car. I can as
    well check the oil manually if i am unsure as i did on the cars i owned

    Michael Donning, Dec 30, 2003
  5. Ulf Nicoley

    Ulf Nicoley Guest

    Moin, Michael,

    the oil indicator is not the only problem with this car. It needs up to 13 l
    fuel (Super ROZ 95). In the brochure it is said, the car would need only 7,7
    l fuel. Whats about your car, even if it´s a Diesel. How many fuel does your
    car need? With the electric there are some more small problems.
    I could live with the Problem of the oil indicator, but Peugeot took the
    complete money of mine, so i want a car working properly.
    What´s your opinion?

    Gruß Ulf
    Ulf Nicoley, Dec 30, 2003
  6. Hi Ulf,

    7,7l in the specs? Overall? Then you're driving a 307SW 1.6l Petrol, Manual

    Here's a link to a detailed consumption statistics about that car from a
    user in the forum i mentioned before:


    My car uses so far overall 7.3l. This is more than the overall specs (5,4l)
    but i also do not drive to the specs currently the car has been moved most
    time in town and also often short distances. Also on motorways/autobahn i
    usually do not drive the speed which would be best for fuel consumption. At
    last the diesel is told to reduce its consumption and improve its
    performance a little bit after about 10000km which i have not yet reached.

    So i can live with my diesel consumption. But 13l seems to be very much for
    a 1.6l manual.

    About expecting a new car to work properly you're certainly right. I will
    mention the oil-level indicator problem on the 10000km inspection, but that
    is currently not critical to me as i said before.

    Michael Donning, Jan 2, 2004
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