307 wipers

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by Hugo Nebula, May 31, 2004.

  1. Hugo Nebula

    Hugo Nebula Guest

    I know the problem has been highlighted before, but does anyone know
    of a way of getting the right-hand wiper blade to sweep more of the
    screen? I'm fed up with having a grimy strip of screen right in my
    field of vision.
    Hugo Nebula, May 31, 2004
  2. Hugo Nebula

    HDIdriver Guest

    You can loosen the bolt and pull the wiper up slightly, but not too far as
    both wipers will catch in the middle. Only makes a very small difference
    though. If you have a wander around your Peugeot garage you will see
    different cars have a different width strip down the side so it is
    possible to adjust a little.
    It will never go away though. I'm interested to see whether Peugeot will
    put their hands in their pockets and eliminate this when the 307 is
    facelifted, and whether the modification can be applied to the old car.
    HDIdriver, Jun 1, 2004
  3. Hugo Nebula

    Nick \(UK\) Guest

    You can also swap the blades around so that the longer one is on the drivers
    Nick \(UK\), Jun 4, 2004
  4. Is this because the cars were designed with the driver sitting on the other
    side? the visibility is much better in the left seat and the strip is much
    Stevie Johnston, Jun 6, 2004
  5. Hugo Nebula

    Hugo Nebula Guest

    Well, yes, but most other manufacturers manage the conversion.
    Hugo Nebula, Jun 6, 2004
  6. Hugo Nebula

    Szapcsi Guest


    Just be careful, if you have an automatic wiper. I'm not sure, that in this
    case the blade will cover the sensor.
    Szapcsi, Jun 7, 2004
  7. Hugo Nebula

    G.T Guest

    Possibly. Keep in mind that RHD cars are a "minor" market for Pug (minor but
    not tiny), with 201000 vehicles sold in UK for 2003.
    This is common for wipers matter, for example wiper arms fixation points are
    on the left on LHD cars (with "classic" wipers, like 205s, 306s, 406s...
    sure you understand what I mean), this providing a better sweep on left
    side. I guess it is the same with RHD cars - arms fixed on the left.
    G.T, Jun 7, 2004
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