307SW - clicking while turning steering wheel

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by Santana, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. Santana

    Santana Guest

    It's diesel, 307SW, 5.000 miles only.
    When I am turning steering wheel, I hear and feel a kind of clicking
    noise every 360 degrees of steering wheel turn, no matter if turned
    clock-wise or in opposite direction.

    And I feel it somewhere down, almost near clutch pedal. I feel it on
    steering wheel as well, but very lightly. Any clue?

    Many thanks!
    Santana, Apr 2, 2006
  2. Santana

    Nixa Guest

    Could be a sound your airbag is producing.
    Nixa, Apr 6, 2006
  3. Santana

    L Guest

    its one of the 307's faults, some swaybar end bushings or something
    like that, they usually change them as part of the warrantee.
    307's have a ton of known faults
    L, Apr 8, 2006
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