405 Hunter Stereo Removal

Discussion in 'Peugeot 405' started by Ben Panter, Dec 27, 2003.

  1. Ben Panter

    Ben Panter Guest


    I'm stuck away from my Haynes manuals and attempting to replace the
    factory fitted stereo in my 405 Hunter estate - L reg. The stumbling
    block is getting the old stereo out. By prising off the buttons at
    either end (obvious prising holes) of the stereo fashia I reveal two
    vertical slots, and I've tried making extraction tools out of bent wire
    but to no avail. Anybody here managed to remove such a stereo? I have a
    suspicion from google searches that there may be a bolt at the back -
    could that be my problem?

    Thanks in anticipation!

    Ben Panter, Dec 27, 2003
  2. Ben Panter

    yeha Guest

    There is a plastic panel running across the top of the stereo. Prise
    this off and you will see 2 holes. Snap a normal U shaped removal tool
    in 2 and stick them in until it clicks. I stick my fingers in the
    cassette hole and pull, or you can remove the tunnel trim and push.
    yeha, Dec 29, 2003
  3. My newserver seems to have lost the reply to this post - but thank you
    to yeha - Installed the new cdplayer at the weekend and it is great!


    Benjamin Panter, Jan 15, 2004
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