405 keypad immobiliser fault

Discussion in 'Peugeot 405' started by just married, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. just married

    just married Guest

    405 keypad immobiliser repair - It will not accept the correct code vi
    the keypad,
    I have had my N reg 405 for some time now, with no major problem’s
    just the usual upkeep. The only qwerk that my car has, is the fact tha
    if it is left stood for a while, the battery will go flat but this is n
    hardship, if we are going away I just unplug the battery. That was u
    until now!
    Following an extended trip abroad I came back to find that I had lef
    the battery connected – consequently it was flat. Cursed a bit at ho
    forgetful I had been but it was only a battery – or so I thought.
    Swapped the battery; all set to go; rattled my PIN in and …..The re
    lamp illuminated. The first 20 or so times I thought it was me making
    mistake but no, it will not accept the PIN. To make sure that it is no
    due to human error I have spent the past 4 weeks or so typing th
    correct PIN and various permutations of the PIN , but have had no joy
    I get 3 attempts every 30 mins. However im Utley fed up. Contacted loca
    Peugeot dealer who advised that they would charge £36 just to look at i
    and that it would most probably require a replacement keypat an
    management system …my jaw hit the ground! – in true Peugeot deale
    money making style.
    If anybody could offer me DIY repair tips, or recommend a cheaper aut
    electrician I would be grateful
    just married, Jul 10, 2005
  2. just married

    Malc Guest

    See my reply to the thread 106 immobileser code, it's possible that it has
    reset to the default code once the battery went flat.. Also on my Xantia you
    can pull fuse 2 and this kills both the immobileser and the speedo, or
    possibly lever up the keypad and unplug it although I'm told that only works
    once the car is running.
    Malc, Jul 10, 2005
  3. just married

    greg dyke Guest

    Try these:


    I remember our old xantia's default code being one of those...
    greg dyke, Jul 10, 2005
  4. just married

    sid Guest

    LSUK will default to factory code for a small fee (well small compared to
    peugeot dealer) If the keypad is faulty they can bypass. Don't know if any
    other organisation will attempt this, but the software is available

    LSUK will also let you know what the default code is!

    Post to the group whatever method you adopt - useful to others to know
    sid, Jul 10, 2005
  5. just married

    Nom Guest

    Once you have it running, then simply disconnect the keypad. As long as the
    engine is running when you do this, then it bypasses the system completely -
    you won't need to input the code in the future.

    Obviously you have to get it going first :)
    Nom, Jul 11, 2005
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