405 + Oxygenaudio speakers ?

Discussion in 'Peugeot 405' started by SeeSchloss, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. SeeSchloss

    SeeSchloss Guest


    I've been given to Oxygenaudio speakers (Alium 165) but
    they don't seem to fit in the front doors of my 405 : they
    are either too deep (~8,5 mm) and they hit a piece of metal
    in the door, or the diameter of the... hmm... the 'things
    where the magnets are' (I don't know the technical terms,
    and my english could be better...) is too large (~10 mm).
    The problem is that I don't know if the hole in the door
    has already been modified (I'm the fourth owner...), if the
    actual speakers are the original ones (they are in quite a
    bad state, nothing is written on them), if I can remove the
    small piece of metal that blocks the new speakers, if...

    So, if anyone could give me any advice...
    (btw, I don't have any manual for these speakers)

    Thank you :)
    SeeSchloss, Dec 30, 2003
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