405 TD buying

Discussion in 'Peugeot 405' started by Doki, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. Doki

    Doki Guest

    I'm currently looking for a 405 TD estate, preferably a MK2, as I've been
    told these have a better interior. Anyway, so far I've been to look at a
    couple - one was a 93/4, and had a top mounted IC, done 115000 miles, and
    had a very droney sounding engine, as if something were vibrating. The other
    was a 96 or so, and had a less droning sound, but a very loud turbo whistle,
    and had done 170 thousand miles, and looked to be in a bit of a state. Can
    anyone tell me what a 405 TD in good nick *should* sound like? I've a fair
    idea about petrol engines, but I usually only ever encounter diseasels in
    Doki, Oct 2, 2004
  2. Doki

    Nik&Andy Guest

    As far as I am aware, I have a 406 2.1 TDI....

    Most diesels sound like a bag of nails at startup...

    Check the Glowplugs work and it start easily, it may not need just
    glowplugs, the relays or anything else could have gone, this could be

    Listen for Crankshaft slap (Worn Big-Ends), revving it constantly at about
    1200Rpm should allow you to hear this better. Also listen for Camshaft
    problems at this speed.

    Listen for turbo Whistle.....

    Make sure it doesnt Jerk badly when changing gear at 4000RPM, this can be
    stuck or malfunctioning dump valve.

    Most french cars leak oil from most places in my experience....

    Look for Smoke, Blue is almost always bad! - Black could be anything from
    overfueling to blocked or dirty injectors.
    Lots of Black smoke especially under acceleration is almost always a faulty

    My father had a 405 and the rear wheel bearings where a problem, check for
    deep rumbling sounds when turning corners.

    To everybody else :- This is not a definitive list, just a quick aid to
    buying any diesel engine. Please feel free to correct me I don't offend
    easily :)

    Make sure the temperature guage goes between 70-85 degrees...

    Nik&Andy, Oct 2, 2004
  3. Doki

    Wichita Guest

    I've got a 92 405 turbo diesel estate with 90,000 miles genuine, which
    has the smaller same block 1768cc but very torqe-y engine (which I
    prefer over the 1905 TD I once drove).

    =Engine has a light clatter which you don't really notice from inside
    when underway. Dull til 2200 rpm when turbo cuts in. Vrrooommmmm! Can
    smoke on acceleration if only driven short journeys; mine was hopeless
    when bought, but improved greatly after a few hundred-mile motorway
    runs. I did have a glo-plug fail and starting was harder and clattering
    awful. Can't help on turbo whistle. Touch wood touch wood.

    =Central locking on these cars can go wonky, so can electric windows if
    not used, and blipper security/alarm, and the electric sunroof.

    =Watch for leaks round the bleed screw in the top of the rad on offside.
    If the o-ring seal goes you hardy notice the water you are losing til
    you are in trouble.

    =The rear suspension is torque rods and trailing arms and the bearings
    in these can seize. Initially it sounds like the exhaust is banging, but
    it's more of a cracking noise. Bearings are cheap, but replacement is V
    V expensive. There's a firm near Honiton which does rebuilt replacements
    at a fraction of the dealer costs, or chance one from a breakers.

    =The heater matixes are prone to leak (have on two of mine) and cost up
    to £500 to replace because book is to take out whole fascia. But can be
    done (thanks to someone on this group for telling me) by taking out
    glove box for access and clamping hoses on bulkhead side. New matrix £50
    .... plus about three hours hanging in passenger footwell.

    For all that, they are great comfortable all-round load-carrying around
    town or motorway mile-eating cars, and generally economical. The
    handling is great, and the ABS disks all-round has saved my life at
    least once, and probably those in the car which pulled out right in
    front of me.
    Wichita, Oct 3, 2004
  4. Doki

    Harry Guest

    My blipper unit has gone. Is it usual for the plip to go, or the receiver
    unit (or both??) Does the receiver unit do all the functions or is there an
    alarm unit in the facia somewhere? Haynes just recommends going to a peugeot

    I can live without the alarm and the remote but if I remove the battery it
    requires a working plip to reset the system. Must be a way round this -
    would a peugeot dealer have this information. Can't be all that unusual. I
    would just have a third party alarm fitted. Had a Laserline on a 405 for 9
    years without problems. but that was a early model of 405 with only remote
    central locking.

    Whats the name of the firm? Just for reference, as I do not have a problem
    at the moment.
    Garage mentioned that high coolant levels could give problems - say around
    50%. Can anyone confirm this? I live in an area that has low temp in winter
    and require extra protection.
    Harry, Oct 3, 2004
  5. Doki

    Carl Gibbs Guest

    What you doing round here?!! :)

    My 205s have had lots of turbo whistle (the first one was very bad, i used
    to get lots of heads turning when i drove off quickly!), and lots of people
    told me the turbo was knackered. When i blew up the engine i also changed
    the turbo (to a newer, and slightly bigger one) and it still whistled.
    Turned out it was just the rear silencer that was old and couldnt muffle the

    If you wanna hear what one should sound like i'll record my 205 for you!!
    Carl Gibbs, Oct 3, 2004
  6. Doki

    Wichita Guest

    Wichita, Oct 3, 2004
  7. I think a Cars Pegeuot is very good model
    £ukasz Marciszewski, Oct 4, 2004
  8. Doki

    jim. Guest

    Same sound basicaly, like a bunch of demented elves bashing an anvil with
    hammers ;-)
    Ok to be fair the TDs were a bit like that but only with the bonnet up.
    The HDis are a lot more refined.
    Maybe it's just me, but I find that diesel noise re-assuring,
    I hate cars where you can't hear if the engine's going or not.
    (Oh I've never heard a turbo whistle although my TD had a turbo, so maybe
    that is a prob.)

    jim., Oct 4, 2004
  9. Doki

    G.T Guest

    I use to enjoy turbo whistle, perhaps 'cause I don't have any :)
    My brother's 205 DTurbo ('91, 250,000km) quite recently developped an
    amazing turbo whistle (damn so good to hear). I've heard it could be
    unscrewed / a bit loose outlet manifold bolts. The problem was known on
    early R25 TD (I got it from a friend of mine, which is a Renault agent, and
    however a good friend of mine).
    I guess there's nothing to worry about.
    G.T, Oct 4, 2004
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