406 2.1 TDI Sluggish

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by jprs2, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. jprs2

    jprs2 Guest


    Over the last few months I've noticed that my '97 406 GLX 2.1
    TurboDiesel estate has become very sluggish at accelerating most of the
    time. And then, just occasionally, it returns to its normal quite nippy
    self. I've noticed it going from nippy to sluggish over the course of a
    single journey. Could be that it's only normal when the engine is cold
    but I might be imagining that.

    Has anyone got any ideas about what might be at fault? What could be
    failing intermittently to make it lose power? Would it be worth me
    taking it to a dealer to examine the diagnostics from the Lucas Epic

    The only thing I can think of is a sticky turbo wastegate, which given
    the accessibility of the turbo, I am dreading..... Whilst in 'sluggish'
    mode, the max turbo boost seemed to be around 0.5 bar when I measured
    it once.

    Have changed fuel and air filters, disabled EGR. (btw, the latter gave
    me over 10% more MPG!)

    Many thanks in advance of any help,

    jprs2, Apr 11, 2006
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