406 "Airbag" Light on dash

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Oli, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. Oli

    Oli Guest

    Hi Folks

    I have a 406 2.0 HDi yr 2002.

    My AIRBAG light has illuminated on the dash and when I start the engine
    "Airbag Fault" appears on the display.

    Using Google Groups I gather this is a common problem.... however, as
    recommended, I have checked the connectors under both front seats and there
    is good connectivity between both sides of all connectors. So, this cannot
    be the problem.

    Does anyone have any other ideas?

    Thanks in advance,
    Oli, Jul 6, 2006
  2. Hi There
    I have previously posted a note on here about the same problem I have
    the same model as your's but 99. The tried the same as you with no
    luck but all I can say (which may be of no help to you!) is that after
    a few weeks mine went off and still hasnt come back so I know someone
    else with the same thing and they just put tape over the light on the
    dash. Sorry cant be more help but it may just go off like mine.
    Fed Up Young Lady Driver, Jul 7, 2006
  3. When mine was done some years ago by a dealer, the connections under the
    seat appeared fine, but they still removed the connectors and soldered the
    wires together which cured the problem until it happened a second time when
    they carried out the same procedure under the other front seat. Since
    then no problem at all.
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 7, 2006
  4. Oli

    David Hearn Guest

    How did you check? My 306 has had this problem in the past. Looking
    underneath the connectors seem okay, wiggling the connectors doesn't
    make any difference. The only actual solution I've found is to
    disconnect the connectors and re-connect. Solves it every time. So -
    whilst it may *look* and *feel* okay, it might not be.

    BTW - some people suggest being very careful about how you do this, how
    long to have battery disconnected for etc. Each time I've done it, I've
    just turned off the ignition and fiddled with the connectors. So far
    I've been okay. (so far!!!)

    David Hearn, Jul 7, 2006
  5. Oli

    Oli Guest


    I have now soldered the connections and got rid of the connectors.

    However, I still have the same problem. Anyone have any ideas, or is it a
    garage job??

    Oli, Jul 13, 2006

  6. Did you do it under both front seats? If so then, like you, I am fresh out
    of ideas. You might do well to repost as a new thread because people who's
    news server has a short retention period will no longer be able to see it.
    Keith Willcocks, Jul 14, 2006
  7. Oli

    Ken Guest

    Years ago I had this problem and picked up the fix from this group -
    soldering the connectors under the seat. Next service I menioned it and
    they said: 'Yes- common fault and we will solder the connections - the
    recommended fix'. They did and it has not recurred. Whoever services
    your vehicle will be able to check whether all the right joins have
    been soldered.

    And someone mentioned that even a soldered connection failed - had to
    be re-done.
    Ken, Jul 15, 2006
  8. Oli

    nigel Guest

    But don't forget that is not the only thing that puts the light on,
    albeit the most common. The rotary connector behind the steering wheel
    also puts it on (or the Comm 2000) on later cars) is another. Also a
    fault in the ECU, or the wiring. You really need to get the fault
    codes read.
    nigel, Jul 15, 2006
  9. Oli

    Yuting Wan Guest

    I had my 406 returned to the dealer twice. First time soldered the
    connectors and didn't fix the fault. Second time replaced the airbag
    computer and it gave me 3 year peace until the car sold.
    Yuting Wan, Jul 30, 2006
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