406 Brake pad replacement - help req....

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Darren, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Darren

    Darren Guest

    Hi all
    Got an R-reg 406GLX 2.1TD and it sounds like the pads are worn down
    now so obviously they need replacing. Is this an easy job? On previous
    cars (no anti-lock and niceties) it's just been a case of taking off
    the wheel, removing a bold and swinging the chunk of metal up that
    hold the pads in place, pushing the cylindr back then stuffing the new
    pads in and putting it back together again. Is this the same sort of
    procedure on the 406?

    I know this sounds like a total newbie question, that's because it is!
    LOL. I'm a web/graphic designer, I jsut aint got a clue about
    mechanical things on cars other than changing the oil, fuel filters
    etc. Done brake pads on previous cars but not on this one.

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Darren, Oct 26, 2006
  2. Darren

    nigel Guest

    Yes that's more or less the way to do it on the 406. If you get
    Peugeot pads (Part number 425132) you'll see the wires on the pads
    have a white end or a black end. They are different lengths, the white
    being longer. The white goes in the outer position and the black the
    inner. Make sure you use the clip to hold the wires to the caliper as
    they leave the pads or else they may rub on the wheel.
    nigel, Oct 26, 2006
  3. Darren

    Darren Guest

    Briliant! Thanks Nigel

    Darren, Oct 26, 2006
  4. As I understand that your current car does have ABS, do push the brake
    caliber piston back slowly and with care. Otherwise you risk reversing the
    master brake cylinder seals, which you definitely do not want to deal with!
    Good luck!

    Ivar Petur
    Ívar Pétur Guðnason, Oct 27, 2006
  5. Darren

    malc Guest

    What I used to do is to slacken the bleed nipple so that when you push the
    piston back the fluid squirts out of the bleed nipple and doesn't try to
    push back past the master cylinder. Ok you have to top up the brake fluid
    but as you have to change it every couple of years anyway you might as well
    do part of the job.


    "AFB Mr Tracey."
    "Underbirths are og"

    Les Barker - Irrational Neutscene
    malc, Oct 27, 2006
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