406 clock

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Barno, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. Barno

    Barno Guest

    Hi can someone please tell me how to get the digital clock out of my 406 to
    change the bulb. I presume there is a bulb behind it as the display is very

    Barno, Sep 10, 2004
  2. Barno

    jim. Guest

    It's just a matter of getting a little screwdriver in the edge and going for
    ie lever the clock out.
    You'll find the bulb is a special.
    Pug dealer should have one (for a price)

    jim., Sep 11, 2004
  3. Barno

    Barno Guest

    Thanks for that I thought that would be the case but I wanted to make sure
    before I broke it trying.

    Barno, Sep 11, 2004
  4. Barno

    Chris Guest

    If the bulb is the same as the bulbs behind the radio & aircon display then
    they're not a pug only part, just take the glass part of the bulb out of the
    plastic holder
    Chris, Sep 11, 2004
  5. Barno

    G.T Guest

    I've seen very similar bulbs fit to a VDO (from memory) speed recorder,
    which were really specific parts - you just can't remove the plastic holder
    without destroying the bulb.
    Possibly not the case here, I just wrote it in case it would be of any
    information for someone, someday.
    G.T, Sep 11, 2004
  6. Barno

    jim. Guest

    My message wasn't meant, and in fact didn't say that these
    bulbs were some kind of Peugeot-only part.
    Simply that the most likely place to get them would be a pug dealer.
    I do know from experience with them that they are quite unusual
    and the ones my local garage thought would do,
    ended up breaking the socket
    forcing me to get the soldering iron on the job.
    As you, I have no idea if this is the same bulb as the one behind the aircon
    or radio display.

    jim., Sep 12, 2004
  7. Barno

    PugLover Guest

    Those bulbs are a standard "Glass with bent legs" type and readily
    available at car garages like Halfords :) they cost about £1.40 each, a
    rip off for how big they actually are lol best off taking one in next time
    and say politle, may i have one of these please because the last one you
    sold me was too big and broke my holder o_O :)
    PugLover, Sep 12, 2004
  8. You'll find they're about £1.50 each from a Pug dealer and they're special
    to the in built display type radio. Most Halfords don't stock them. If your
    dealers local us him to safe time and trouble. I know 'cos that happened to
    me. if all else fails go to the dealer. (last resort naturally)
    John Hollinshead, Sep 12, 2004
  9. Barno

    jim. Guest

    I think that's the theory my local garage went with too.
    If you're sure that's the case, it musta been down to ham fists.. :-(
    The one they fitted looked similar but not identical to the origional..
    You can always solder to the wires though, piece of piss

    jim., Sep 12, 2004
  10. Done a few of these and have advised in a previous
    query.Just lever out the front with a broad flat
    tipped screw driver,use a cloth protector or you
    will damage facia.
    Can i suggst you do a Google search in future for
    these or other queries before sending it in [and I
    mean all of us] it saves time as I am repeating
    earlier answers.Any problems get back.Regards
    Harry Hotspur, Sep 18, 2004
  11. Barno

    Barno Guest

    Sorry. but I did a search and got no replies, sorry for wasting your time
    but I already had the answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Barno, Sep 18, 2004
  12. Barno

    ken kerrison Guest

    Come on........I just searched, under Google, for 406 clock light and
    got 16 hits. Try it.
    ken kerrison, Sep 19, 2004
  13. Barno

    sid Guest

    "> Can i suggst you do a Google search in future for
    Yes, a Google search is preferred and I do that before making a new post but
    sometimes new info is added etc.to a new post which makes it worthwhile for
    the op, and other people who may have the same problem.

    I do get your point about repetitive info but a google search can provide an
    inordinate amount of threads to look at and some go off topic - like your
    post and mine - right from the start.

    Also, it would be really fantastic if posters included just the relevant
    piece of the topic and we all do not have to wade through mountains of
    garage to get to the reply.

    Rant over
    sid, Sep 19, 2004
  14. You didn't waste my time,just trying to help with
    advice,others may benifit.
    Harry Hotspur, Sep 19, 2004
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