406 Coupe 2.0 idling problems

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by 406CoupeDriver, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. Hello all,

    My 406 coupe engine (2.0) recently started running unstable when idling.
    This is especially noticable when standing still in front of a traffic
    light or so and especially with cold wet weather. The revolution counter
    moves a small amount up an down around 700 rpm and then suddenly I feel a
    shock and the revolution counter drops, it's just like one of the pistons
    is misfired or so.

    First I thought it was the airconditioning or the powersteering that just
    used a lot of power suddenly but even without steering or airconditioning
    the problem occurs.

    I've been at a peugeot dealer with this problem but it seems that they
    can't find anything in the computer or in the engine itself.

    Is there anybody who got this problem before ? and knows a solution ?

    Thanks in advance :))
    406CoupeDriver, Oct 13, 2004
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