406 COUPE Creaky clutch

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by finklecbr, May 15, 2006.

  1. finklecbr

    finklecbr Guest

    Hi guys,

    The clutch on my 99 coupe has always been crap, i find it heavy and it
    creaks badly, just put a new cluch cable on it, made no difference, it
    seems to creak (Loud enough for passers by to look at traffic lights)
    round the pivot arm that the clutch cable pulls under the bonnet,
    Peugeot told me about 2 years ago that there is a dry bush or
    something. The clutch works fine its just crap to drive, seems to be
    worse when the engines hot, ive had a quote of £400 to replace the
    clutch (even though the guy advised me it functioned fine), but not
    sure if this will solve my creaking jerky, clutch problem, any ideas
    anyone ?
    finklecbr, May 15, 2006
  2. finklecbr

    nigel Guest

    Yes. Renew the bushes where the drop arm for the release bearing goes
    through the gearbox, and lubricate everything, You will have to remove
    the box though. check the clutch anyway and if it is more than half
    worn, renew that too.
    nigel, May 16, 2006
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