406 dashboard lamp question

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Peter, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. Peter

    Peter Guest


    The RHS bulb on my dashboard (the one that illuminates the fuel guage
    and the rhs of the speedo) has failed

    Any suggest how difficut it is to replace? I would like to change all
    the lamps when the dash is apart.



    Remove the INVALID to reply
    Peter, Feb 13, 2005
  2. It is very easy to remove just some screws and some plastic hooks.
    The trick is to now where these hooks are lokated any Peugeot garage can
    show you.
    With a screwdriver you can lift them up and pull the dash out with the
    airvents. thats all....

    greetz Aat
    Aat van den Bos, Feb 13, 2005
  3. Peter

    Peter Guest

    On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 20:29:41 +0100, "Aat van den Bos"



    Remove the INVALID to reply
    Peter, Feb 14, 2005
  4. Peter

    RyanO Guest

    I found that if you remove the cover at the bottom of the dash, then by
    breaking your arm in two places, it is possible to replace the bulbs in
    place, without stripping the dash. You just need to do it by feel. On mine
    there were a few open holes where bulbs could be fitted, presumably for
    other models, so just make sure which hole you took the globe out of.
    I was too too lazy to strip the dash. Some cheap clip on the fascia
    somehow always manages to break off.
    You need to buy the whole globe and holder from the stealership, they
    cleverly made it one piece.

    RyanO, Feb 18, 2005
  5. Peter

    Nigel Guest

    Don't blame the stealership. Blame Valeo!
    Nigel, Feb 19, 2005
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