406 Diesel pump sender - recalibrate?

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by nicknick, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. nicknick

    nicknick Guest

    I put a new diesel pump and gauge into my 406 but when I fill up now
    the diesel needle stays at Completely empty with the light flashing
    UNTIL I have done a few miles when it starts to jump around the gauge
    and eventually showing Full. I know that it is reading wrong and
    have been filling the car when it get to about 400 miles, BUT, does the
    sender need re-calibrating somewhere, somehow?
    nicknick, Oct 2, 2005

  2. I can remember this coming up a while back on this group and I seem to
    remember that instructions were given for re-programming the unit. I
    suggest a search on Google Groups through the archives.
    Keith Willcocks, Oct 4, 2005
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