406 diesel turbo ignition problems

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Mando, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Mando

    Mando Guest

    Hi, Apologise for re-posting this, but I didn't get any response first
    time round?

    I've just returned from a trip tp South of France, and since I've got
    back I've noticed a problem with the glow plug light taking longer than
    usual to go out when I start up and engine takes
    a while to "catch" on cold start, and the exhaust blows out a plume of
    black smoke on
    ignition. The glow plugs were replaced a couple of months ago and
    everything was going fine before the trip (although I did notice the
    black exhaust in France after the journey down). Has anyone got any
    idea what the problem might be?

    Any help appreciated.


    Mando, Sep 12, 2006
  2. Mando

    nigel Guest

    First of all, make sure all the glowplugs are actually working. Did
    you fit Peugeot ones? Then disconnect the feed wire to the plugs and
    see if the time on is the same. You may need a new control box
    (adjacent to the battery).
    nigel, Sep 13, 2006
  3. Check with a bulb that there is a voltage at each of the glow plugs when
    they are heating. This should be present for about 20 secs after the
    ignition is turned to start the car.
    This will prove the glow plug relay and the connecting wiring to the plugs.
    Make you contact on the thread of the plug not the wiring spade terminal to
    eliminate dirty contacts here.
    Each glow plug should draw 12 amps aprox when working. With a clip on
    ammeter you can look for 48 amps when starting. This will prove the glow
    If you dont have a clip on meter disconnect the lead to the glow plugs and
    place an in line ammeter here again you should be measuring about 48 amps.

    You went on a trip to Fance you may have had dirty fuel and got a lot of
    soot around the glow plug preheat chambers. Would be worth running some
    injector cleaner through the system
    Michael Roche, Sep 14, 2006
  4. Mando
    It may also be worth checking the battery voltage when using the glow plugs
    and cranking the engine.
    My 406 1.9 TD had a sudden battery failure today when it went down to 10 V
    it has been producing some black smoke at start-up this week for the first
    Michael Roche, Sep 17, 2006
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