406 electric windows. Help Urgently please

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Cire, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. Cire

    Cire Guest

    My driver's side window is stuck two-thirds down and nothing I can do will
    make it move.

    It has to happen on a Friday, of course, when the Pug dealer doesn't want to

    If I could only close it, I would be happy, but I can't shift the thing.

    The passenger one works OK and the switch lights illuminate on both of them
    so there is power up to the switch, of course.I got the switch out but drew
    a blank there. I also tried by-passing the switch by looping a wire between
    different pairs of wires but that achieved nothing and I didn't really know
    what I was doing. I put a testing lamp across each
    of the six wires and only one lit when I earthed them individually.

    The vehicle is a 406 turbo diesel, 1997.

    If anyone can help I would be very grateful as I need to use the car a great
    deal in the next few days. If I could just keep out the wind, rain, and car
    thieves, I would be very pleased.

    Cire, Sep 3, 2004
  2. Cire

    Nigel Guest

    Sounds like the regulator has gone. If you can take the door panel
    off, and carefully remove the protective membrane to access the
    electrical connection, disconnect it, put your test light to one wire
    and operate the switch. It should light up, either up or down. Now go
    to the other wire and operate it again. Should light up the opposite
    way. If that all happens, then you have feed to the regulator. Renew
    it. In the meantime disconnect the window from the regulator and hold
    up with a piece of wood inside the door, or make a couple of wedges
    and fit to the outside to hold it up, while you refit the panel. Then
    transfer the wedges one by one to the inside.
    Nigel, Sep 4, 2004
  3. Cire

    Cire Guest


    Very many thanks for your comprehensive reply to my posting.

    I am about to try what you suggest. Can you please tell me what the
    'regulator' does as its name does not really suggest its purpose. Does that
    have anything to do with the motor, which presumably drives the window up or


    Cire, Sep 5, 2004
  4. Cire

    Nigel Guest

    The regulator converts the rotary movement of the motor to the up and
    down motion needed by the window!!
    In other words it's the bit connected to the glass, and these days
    includes the motor. You can't get it separately.
    Nigel, Sep 6, 2004
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