406 Engine Quality

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by google, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. Now that's funny. You're the guy with the factory qualifications, and you
    started this, so it is actually up to you to back up your original
    statement. However I will be away for a couple of weeks or so - probably
    spending them queueing in gas stations across the south west of the US, so
    I'll leave you to decide whether to justify it to the rest of the group.

    Suffice it to say that I have had no problems with the petrol engine in any
    Peugeot that I have owned in the last 45 years, from 403 to 806 via 104,
    204, 205(several types),304, 305(ditto), 306XT, 404, 405GTX and 504. That
    is the basis of my disagreement with your rather sweeping generalisation.

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Sep 4, 2005

  2. Now, now children. It will be tears before bedtime, mark my words. ;o)
    Keith Willcocks, Sep 4, 2005
  3. google

    Arturo Ui Guest

    My first peugeot was a 504 and I was haapy with it. Next was a 505
    Lucky thing, but our petrol is 94p/litre at the moment, so me returning to a
    car with a decent engine is a real nono!

    Arturo Ui, Sep 4, 2005
  4. You have a good point, but it's not the engine that is at fault if it is put
    in a car that is really too big for it, and there have been a few of those.
    Life was much easier when I bought my first 403: Choice of saloon or estate
    car, one engine size, four colours IIRC.
    Apart from the tendency of the 106 to leave bits of its reverse selector in
    the sump (yes, it was one of those) I have never had trouble with a Peugeot
    'box, but they tend to be stiff to begin with. I think a lot of people are
    fooled by the spring loading to 3 & 4 which is appears to be a hangover from
    the rather strange gate the old worm drive cars used to use with the
    steering column change (the best one in the business). One of my other cars
    is a 1952 Lea-Francis with the gate biased to 1 & 2 which causes a bit of
    confusion if I am not thinking what I am doing!

    Keep up the good work

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Sep 4, 2005
  5. You're probably right. It's just that I don't believe that a firm that
    started building petrol engines in 1889 has never built a good one - not
    even the 1912 twin cam GP one, which I doubt if our friend has even heard

    All right, I'll go and pick up my rattle now...;-)

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Sep 4, 2005
  6. Ooops, sorry. For 106 please read 104. It's getting late...

    Ron Robinson
    R.N. Robinson, Sep 4, 2005
  7. to whom you wrote your follow up?

    i wont say yours wont go over 120k miles
    i just think the engine is underpowered as the car is a lumpy piece to
    drag around.
    Marc Amsterdam, Sep 5, 2005
  8. google

    Nom Guest

    Good to see they know what they're talking about then :)
    Nom, Sep 5, 2005
  9. google

    G.T Guest

    True, but I would have expected some more peps from a 103HP unit.
    Plus the Diesel engine in 1959 ;-)
    Stiff, but not too much, IMO. Some boxes are way too soft for me, you never
    know when you're in gear or just foolin' around neutral - best example I can
    think of yet is the Mk1 Megane.
    Well, I don't know that car. Have you got any picture ?

    And BTW, a well known problem on XV series were the camshaft being worn out
    by the tumblers (spelling ?).

    205 Diesel & turbo-Diesel : www.205d.com
    G.T, Sep 5, 2005
  10. you started this remember?... please read your comment "Never? You're a great
    one for generalisations aren't you? And like most
    generalisations, it's wrong.

    And who is this 'we'?"

    Just because you haven't had any problems doesn't mean they are generally
    good?? . yes i am the person with the factory qualifications just remember
    that .Also remember that obviously your older and i'm younger BUT i've
    probably worked on more peugeots than youv'e had hot dinners .Also don't
    answer a question with a question when asked to name good and bad points
    about peugeot engines.The reason why you can't answer is because you don't
    know (but you think you do) .At the end of the day i have nothing to justify
    to you.GOD HELP THE U.S watch out mr jobsworths on his way!!!!!
    MARK B via CarKB.com, Sep 5, 2005
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