406 exec

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by MICKYU, Jan 13, 2007.


    MICKYU Guest

    I put my car into be painted last july but the guy left it out
    in the rain untill i had to get it back legaly 1 week ago. its a 406
    exec on a p plate , now I find i cant get the coded start keypad to
    work is there a way around this or a back door in so to speak so i can
    get my car started mickyu
    MICKYU, Jan 13, 2007

    G Cadman Guest

    Not to sure but. Is this not working at all or are you locked out of it (ie
    after 3 wrong tries)?
    If you are locked out then leave your ingition on for ~30mins. After this
    time the imobiliser will reset and allow you to re-enter the right code.

    G Cadman, Jan 14, 2007
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