406 gearbox noise

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Paul, May 14, 2004.

  1. Paul

    Paul Guest

    I have a 406 hdi 110 se estate. in 3rd, 4th and 5th gear the gearbox
    whines. after about 10 miles it gets worse. It is most noticable in
    4th gear at about 28-30mph. Peugeot garage told me its normal for 406
    and 306 but I dont believe that. This car is 12 months old and has
    only done 8000 miles.
    Can anybody give me any advice. The car still has over 2 years
    manufacturers warranty on it.


    Paul, May 14, 2004
  2. Take it back to the garage under warranty.
    Brian Horsley, May 15, 2004
  3. Paul

    Rob Jones Guest

    Probably caused by poor driving ie going along in a gear inappropriate for
    speed <30 in 4th and <50 in 5th.
    I dont bother going into 4th until 35 and 50 min for 5th on my 406 Hdi
    especially after seeing a piccy in a car mag of a fucked 405 TD box which
    was caused by this type of poor driving.

    Whilst on subject of poor driving remember if you stop at traffic lights put
    the fucking hand brake on. It stops the discs warping. Another reason why
    ive never had to replace any discs in 15 years of driving

    Rob J
    Rob Jones, May 15, 2004
  4. Paul

    Paul Guest

    Thanks for the comments.

    The garage says its normal. Can I take it that it is not. I also have
    a 405 which I have had for years and that does not do it.

    What would you suggest that I say to the garage if they insist that it
    is okay. When I took it in, 2 mechanics drove it and both said they
    could not fault the gearbox. Presonally it frustrates the hell out of
    me but my wife says I am being too fussy.

    Please comment, I need to get this sorted.

    Paul, May 16, 2004
  5. Paul

    Oliver Guest

    Alright, chill out. No need for the language and the comment about the hand
    brake wasn't needed. No one said they've got warped discs did they?
    Oliver, May 16, 2004
  6. Paul

    Paul Guest

    I just ignore comments like these, we all have bad days!

    Just to explain my problem a bit better:-

    The car had done 6000 miles when I got it but I didn't notice the
    noise on the test drives. I have only had the car for a couple of
    months. Whilst accelerating the noise cannot be heard. The noise can
    be heard when.

    1. In 5th on the motorway at 70. Only slightly though.
    2. In 3rd when coming down from 30ish to 25ish.
    3. Most noticable, When coming down from 40ish to anything below
    32ish. And considering I drive mostly in 4th ie on the town roads then
    I get it quite alot especially at times when approaching traffic
    lights etc. Foot off pedal then down into 3rd etc etc. whine

    The garage said they are aware of the symtoms and say its completely
    normal. They even say they have stripped down and rebuilt gearbox's
    replacing all the relevant bits and the boxes still get the noise.

    I just can't accept that this is normal. My 405 gearbox is on 110,000
    miles and its quiter than my 406.

    The reason for posting on this group was to see other people have had
    the same problem. Before I posted I looked back quite a way and I
    couldn't find any messages about noisy boxes on a 406.

    I appreciate any help ro advice any body can give.

    Many Thanks

    Paul, May 16, 2004
  7. Paul

    Neil D Guest

    One thing you could do Paul is ask the garage if you can drive another 406,
    so you can compare them. If they haven't got one, go to another garage to
    test drive one. At least then you'll be able to confirm that the noise isn't

    Neil D, May 17, 2004
  8. Paul

    Rick Maninov Guest

    Which of course it isn't.
    406 Gearboxes aren't supposed to whine under those circumstances.
    Or to be more specific the two I've owned and the three or four others I've
    driven on test drives didn't.
    Must be the way you're driving it ;-)

    Rick Maninov, May 17, 2004
  9. Paul

    Paul Guest

    Hi Rick,

    In my last post in point 3, I explained how I am driving it when the
    noise occurs.

    Would you not consider that normal driving behaviour? I drive round at
    between 30 and 40 in 4th and the noise occurs. I thought that was

    Either way, you say that it shouldn't whine so even if it was my
    driving habits then it still should not make the noise. And like I
    said my 405 doesn't do it.

    I thank you for all your comments. Nobody has yet said that theirs has
    whined so I am going to conclude theres something wrong with it. Also
    there are no other posts that I can find with this sort of problem.

    Kind Regards

    Paul, May 18, 2004
  10. Paul

    Rick Maninov Guest

    Looks like u missed this bit. - ;-)
    ref. prev. post on the subject.
    Best of luck getting em to sort it.

    Rick Maninov, May 19, 2004
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