Hi Went away for a pleasurable weekend about 120 miles or so. Half way there the low level water light came up on the dash. Now I know I should have checked before I went, but forgot about it. So any way I didn't think much of it and pulled into the services, and upon checking under the car, no apparent leaks from engine. So let it cool right down and topped up the system it took about two pints. The car was ok at destination and done about 70 miles with no problems, however on the way back on the motorway same thing happened again and yes this time I checked before I left the location. Anyway pulled in at hard shoulder and this checked again on inspection there was a lot of anti freeze / water on the inner arch of the driver side front wheel, but once again could not put my finger on where it was coming from. let it cool down topped up again, I would say I've done about 50 miles this time and it took less than half a pint. Off I go again, decided to pull in at services to keep an eye on the situation. And let the car cool down, after some tea went out and checked again. Soaking wet again under the arch, but no water or anti freeze on the floor or in engine bay. The cap seems to be holding the pressure well. Topped up again this time another two pints. well cut a long story short I had To stop another three times, and I'm at a complete mystery. Upon getting her home done a pressure test on system and head gasket check, all came out good, so no problems there. any one have any ideas on here, or suffered from the same symptom's. I am at a complete loss for this one. So any help would be most appreciated. Thanks Kevin