406 HDI restyle power steering

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Marc Amsterdam, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. Hi

    Whenever i turn the wheel of my 406 Hdi to full lock, or when there is
    sufficient resistance ( like curbstones) the power steering pump
    starts making quite a loud and protesting noise. ( like maggie is

    i gather this must be a pressure reduction valve somewhere in the
    line between the steering rack and the pump, however i can locate it.

    The bearing of the pump seems to be just fine ( no play), and the
    fault is intermittent.

    One other thing, there is a whirring noise coming from the alternator
    i believe the bearings are shot, but i not quite sure about it.
    Any other common things in that respect to look for?

    Thank you

    Marc Amsterdam, Feb 19, 2007
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