406 keypad problem

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Steve Haynes, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. Steve Haynes

    Steve Haynes Guest


    I own a 406 with the old keypad immobiliser system.

    I tried starting my car yesterday with my usual code but no joy, the red
    light would stay on as well as the green.

    Tried wrong number but it would not beep to inform me of the wrong code.

    Called AA and they tried all (2) options they could from the database of
    faults they had listed on PC.

    Disconnected battery and keypad ---- No joy after reconnecting.

    Doors shut for 4 minutes open drivers door leave 90 secs try code ---- No
    joy again.

    Anybody experience a similar problem if so how did you resolve it please.

    Steve Haynes, Feb 13, 2005
  2. Steve Haynes

    Nom Guest

    Once you have the car running, disconnect the keypad (whilst the engine is
    on). The immobiliser will then remain in the OFF state, and you no longer
    need to use the keypad (until you reconnect it).
    Nom, Feb 14, 2005
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