406 Locking

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Bystander, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Bystander

    Bystander Guest

    Hi all.

    I have an HDI diesel 406 on a 02 plate. My problem is the central locking.
    When I press the button to lock the car, I can hear the locks activate
    followed by a bleep but the car is not locked, the bleep is something new.
    This has happened intermittently over the last couple of months, but today
    it won't lock at all. Any thoughts on this would be gratefully received.

    Bystander, Aug 16, 2008
  2. Bystander

    Bob Minchin Guest

    The beep, usually followed by the un-locking noise means that the system
    thinks one of the doors is not fully shut. this is normally backed up by
    the lack of indicators flashing (at least this is what happens on my 405)
    Either you still have a door/boot lid/tailgate open or more likely one
    of the sensors on one of the locks is duff/damaged/stuck.
    A good squirt of aerosol type light oil into the lock mechanism (ideally
    not wd40 as it is not a long term lubricant) followed by manual
    exercising of the lock mechanism might help. I don't know any easy way
    of telling which door is at fault. :-(

    good luck

    Bob Minchin, Aug 16, 2008
  3. Bystander

    Bystander Guest

    Thank you Bob, I will give that a try, At the moment I have locked it with
    the key in the door. I will use a light oil aerosol as you suggest.

    Bystander, Aug 16, 2008
  4. Bystander

    Chris Guest

    Silicone oil in a spray can will do the job.i had problems on that 405
    mof mine a little of that and it work wonders.
    Chris, Aug 16, 2008
  5. Bystander

    Bystander Guest

    Thanks Chris I will have a go tomorrow, it's locked with the key at the

    Bystander, Aug 16, 2008
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