406 remote alarm problems

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Neil Harrington, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. Ok guys ( and girls)

    I've just about had it with my 406 executive.. I have trawled this newsgroup
    (and the Renault one just in case ) for potential fixes to the RF alarm
    plipper failure that seems to be common on this model.. I have heard it may
    be out of synch but I have tried all suggested remedies such as lockking and
    unlocking ten times in a row.. no good... then tried holding doen the
    button... no good... in deperation got the roof console out at the weekend
    in search of the receiver only to find it wasn't where I expected.. the
    Ingra red one is there sure but I suspect the RF one is somewhere else.. I
    don't think its with the automatic windscreen wash circuit and you have to
    remove the rear view mirror to get to tha and that looked like a one way
    trip to the garage.. Not that I doubt that Peugeot could fix it but from
    experience problems like this are usually met with a " lets swap every
    module on the car till it works and then charge for the lot " approach..
    So I have two dead plippers with new batteries and a car that refused to
    respond to either . just waiting for the first frost now to freeze the locks
    and that will make my year...... any suggetsions welcome.. happy new year !
    Neil Harrington, Jan 5, 2004
  2. Take the car and keys back to a GOOD Peugot dealership and ask (INSIST?)
    that they recode the system with their computer! I had the same flaky
    problems for ages until changing dealerships. Once recoded, I've had no
    problems since!
    John Ricketts, Jan 8, 2004
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