406 stalled. Starts but won't run

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by makemdan, Oct 14, 2006.

  1. makemdan

    makemdan Guest

    My 1999 406 diesel conked out coming out of B&Q today. I'm using the car
    temporarily until I get time to replace it but it is our only car and is a
    real miss at the moment. Basically the bengine missed a beat as if hunting
    for fuel and then went on for about 5 seconds then stalled; wouldn't restart.
    Left the car as I had to be somewhere. Returned to the car after about 45
    minutes. Tried to start, started first time but only ran for 5 seconds max
    and noticed the engine management light was on. I'm guessing fuel pump or
    such like but any suggestions would bge most welcome. I had the car towed
    back to my drive by a mate so I guess if I can't fix it myself I need a
    "roving mechanic" to see the car.
    makemdan, Oct 14, 2006
  2. makemdan

    Chris Guest

    It sounds like the fuel pump is given up or going to give up.
    chris addlestone
    Chris, Oct 15, 2006

  3. Thanks Chris
    I've checked all the fuses and opened the diesel drain plug, fuel does come
    out but its a dribble. If the car is left for any length of time I can go
    back and again it starts first time but runs for only 3 seconds so I was
    thinking of a fuel problem All my mechanical work is on motor bikes these
    days so when I opened the bonnet I was a tad bemused by the proliferation of
    giznos under there. Are all cars this complicated now or is it the French

    makemdan via CarKB.com, Oct 15, 2006
  4. makemdan

    Chris Guest

    when was the fuel filter replaced? it could be that it needs replaceing
    and full of s..t.so check out the filter.
    from chris addlestone
    Chris, Oct 15, 2006
  5. makemdan

    Fitzy. Guest

    Also check the inertia switch, press it down and try starting,

    Fitzy., Oct 16, 2006
  6. Thanks to you & Chris. I will change the fuel filter and check the inertia
    switch tomorrow. (my auto shop sold me the wrong part!) I checked for a
    current at the scavenging pump in the tank and this shows about 12 v when
    ignition is switched on. The contacts also resistance but I don't know what
    the correct level is. This was using the grey and yellow wires as opposed to
    the mauve and orange ones which I think are for the fuel guage. Any info
    most welcome
    makemdan via CarKB.com, Oct 16, 2006
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