Hi all on my 406 the STOP light keeps comming on flashing all seems fine though, and it goes out again when speeding at and over 160Km/h. The Stop indicator is the only one comming on, not the oil pressure, not the water pressure comming on with it when speedingi can release the gas pedal, and drop the rev's, it does not go on flashing until the speed drops under 160 ore so and than it starts all again. The odd thing is that it does not behave like this all the time and i'm thinking of a faulty sensor of some kind. Note that in wintertime here in Holland they use tremendous amounts of salt to keeps the roads open, so i tend to believe that this could be the cause of the problem I have not had any time to book it in @ the pug dealer,and hook it up to the mighty al know pug computers so maybe one of you might have had a similar problem an can narrow it down a bit. Thnx Marc