406 ticking over unevenly

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by dazza12, May 8, 2005.

  1. dazza12

    dazza12 Guest

    I’ve had an intermittent problem in my ’96 2.0LX 406 over the last
    couple of weeks.

    Occasionally on tickover, the engine revs will drop to about 600, then
    up to about 1200, then back down. It will keep doing this for the rest
    of the journey. This isn’t a problem in normal driving, but when it
    happens in traffic, or when I stop at a red light, the car very often
    stalls. I’m having to put my foot on the throttle just to keep it

    I’ll add that I’m having the problems with the speedo occasionally not
    working that I’ve asked about in another topic - just in case this has
    a bearing on the problem.
    dazza12, May 8, 2005
  2. dazza12

    Bob Minchin Guest

    dazza12 wrote in message

    Sticky idle vavle perhaps? Try a wash out with carb cleaner and allow to dry
    out fully before re-starting.

    Bob Minchin, May 8, 2005
  3. dazza12

    dazza12 Guest

    Where’s the best place to spray carb cleaner? Should I take off the
    air cleaner and spray into the intake?
    dazza12, May 8, 2005
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