406 V6 Brake problem solved!

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Del Tree, May 6, 2005.

  1. Del Tree

    Del Tree Guest

    Hi all,

    I used to lurk her about a year ago and am posting this in case anyone
    else has experienced the grief I have and is looking for a solution.

    Brief background: I bought one of the last 406 3.0 litre V6 saloons two
    years ago and have been absolutely delighted with it. I've made a few
    minor mods; custom air filter, superchip and ss exhaust. These changes
    have increased the power from the standard 210bhp to 235bhp. Needless to
    add the car goes and handles beautifully!

    Except for one bloody annoying the problem. The appallingly wimpish
    front discs and pads which are simply not up the job of stopping the car
    and fade rapidly under enthusiastic driving. To add insult to injury
    the discs overheat and warp. I've had them skimmed twice and replaced
    once, each time involving fruitless arguments with Peugeot dealers and
    Peugeot UK. Basically, Peugeot just don't want to know and don't seem to
    think that putting brakes designed for the sluggish 406 diesels onto a
    car capable of 150 mph is bad engineering! The brake judder at higher
    speeds and the car weaving from side to side under hard braking are the
    icing on the cake.

    To cut a long story short, last month I had EBC competition discs and
    ceramic pads fitted to the car. Problem solved! After bedding in, not
    only does the car brake much more strongly, from any speed, but seems to
    handle better and all trace of judder through the steering column has

    Total cost was under three hundred squids. If anyone else has a 406 V6,
    or is thinking of getting one, replacing the front discs with pukka kit
    will solve your braking problems permanently.
    The car is now the brilliant sporting saloon it should have been when it
    left the assembly line.

    Best wishes,
    Del Tree, May 6, 2005
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