504 diesel (1979)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Paraguay2, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. Paraguay2

    Paraguay2 Guest


    I recently purchased a 504 diesel 1979 sedan and will be picking up
    this Sunday.
    It seems to be in great condition, I'm curious if anyone else owns
    this model?

    We are putting together a biodiesel coop in Arlington County (VA) in
    the next several months -- more info at http://www.dieselsprout.com.

    Feel free to contact me on this board (about my Peugeot) or offline
    about the biodiesel initiative.

    I'd be interested in buying a similar 504 station wagon if I can find

    Paraguay2, Feb 8, 2008
  2. Paraguay2

    G.T Guest

    From the latest series then, as the 505 was released at the same time (1979)
    and then quickly exported to the USA to get the LA & NYC cabs market (in its
    brand new TD version). 504s were discontinued on 1982, IIRC for occidental
    markets - keeping into production in Africa until late 90's.
    I don't. Most of them, at least in France, ended their lives in Africa, I
    may relate it if you're curious.
    I just post to tell you I'd be interested by some pictures of these US
    models :)

    G.T, Feb 9, 2008
  3. Paraguay2

    Ken Guest

    I just bought a 407 HDI and I'm fascinated to learn that you have
    purchased an early ancestor - 1979! I owned a 504 petrol Pug - the
    first of three. I often wished I had kept it! The oldest vehicle I own
    is a 1989 Ford F150 (petrol) - a great vehicle which looks as though
    it will last for ever (fingers crossed).

    Do you have any idea what mileage (kilometreage) the vehicle has done?
    (it has probably been around the dial more than once). From my farm
    vehicles, which are mainly diesel, I have formed the impression that
    diesel engines not only have a meager diet for fuel but last, more or
    less, for ever. I have a Ford 200 tractor which must have been made
    around 1970 (I got it in 1975) which still does everything I want it
    to do.
    Ken, Feb 10, 2008
  4. Paraguay2

    Gary G Jones Guest

    The 504 diesel engine, is a very popular engine to be marinised and then
    used for boating.
    Good engine.

    Gary G Jones, Feb 10, 2008
  5. Paraguay2

    G.T Guest

    Very popular to dieselize the WW2 jeeps (Willis for example).
    The funny point is, that's the same engine used to empower the french
    successor of the Willis jeep : the well-known P4 (same chassis & bodikit
    than Mercedes G-class).
    Some series seem to be weak by the head gasket, though.

    G.T, Feb 10, 2008
  6. Paraguay2

    George Mills Guest

    You should join the Yahoo Groups Peugeot list. It covers everything before
    when Peugeot pulled out of North America ie 405, 505, 504, 604, 404, 403etc,
    as well a a lot of chat about all things Pug like the 908. Several people
    and vendors/service garages are very knowledgeable about 504..and there is
    an active bio-diesel subset.

    Jim Bartley on PEI
    86 505 Turbodiesel wagon
    87 505 gas Turbo sedan
    George Mills, Feb 14, 2008
  7. Amleto, il danese., Feb 15, 2008
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