94 306 TD alarm starting when opening the car

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by mastermagrath, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    We bought a second hand 94 306 DT a few months back. The key fob
    mechanism to activate the central locking etc is broken so we simply
    open/close the car by the key itself.
    Recently however the alarm starts by itself when we open the door and i
    have no clue what is doing this or how to go about fixzing it or at
    least disabling it until we find the problem.

    The only thnig thats happened recently is the battery probably needs
    changing soon as the car has started to struggle to start (you can tell
    the battery is going flat as the starter motor sounds very laborious

    Any clues on this or how to disable it?
    mastermagrath, Sep 8, 2006
  2. mastermagrath

    Phil Cook Guest

    Does it have the button on the side of the steering column shroud that
    looks a bit like [(c-] ? If it does, open the door put the key in the
    ignition, switch on and press the button within a few seconds.
    Phil Cook, Sep 8, 2006
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