A Comfortable Car & Cheap To Run

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Arturo Ui, May 30, 2005.

  1. Arturo Ui

    conkersack Guest

    always looking for 6th

    Yeah, I know what you mean about that, but I can't say it bothers me at
    Fair play, I'm quite happy to get anything over 30mpg. Different
    standards I suppose. The first car I had was a 350 V8, so fuel
    consumption isn't something I get too stressed about.
    My dad hasn't had any problem with that. Again, I'm not quite sure he'd
    be too bothered.

    Quite an apathetic lot really ;-)

    conkersack, Jun 1, 2005
  2. Arturo Ui

    conkersack Guest

    What was it you didn't like about the Mondeo?

    Everything, lack of room mainly, although I am rather large, the
    interior of the car (at least for the driver) is disproportionally
    small to the exterior lardiness of it. Therefore, as you can
    appreciate, it wasn't terribly comfy for long journeys.

    I don't think I would say it was well built either, all the plastic
    bits squeaked, the air con was crap, just all the little niggling
    things that let it down. Rubbish radio also!

    I can see why people would like it if they were averaged sized and got
    a good one, but I must have got a dog or something. Oh, and the wish
    bones needed doing after some short time.

    It might have been cursed (obviously) because it got written off by a
    kid in a 106 in January. I didn't mourn.
    No, it was a 1.8LX but said it was an Aspen on the book. I didn't like
    it, but It wouldn't prejudice me against all Fords or anything.

    conkersack, Jun 1, 2005
  3. Arturo Ui

    AstraVanMan Guest

    but returns a shameful 33mpg.
    I don't think Richard's the overly fuel consumption obsessed type - he was
    just pointing out that, for something with not all that much go, you'd
    expect better economy. Especially when something like the brilliant Mk2
    Golf GTi is much better on fuel.
    "What do we want?"


    "When do we want it?"


    That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the UK Apathy Party.

    AstraVanMan, Jun 1, 2005
  4. Arturo Ui

    RichardK Guest

    Don't get me wrong - I'm not economy minded when I choose or drive cars,
    and I generally don't get bothered by poor economy. I do find 1.6 mpg
    shameful for a 1.6 injection car, though, when the Government and
    everyone else are going mad for NEW CARS to save the environment - when
    my 16 year old Golf got 45mpg and offered better performance.

    RichardK, Jun 1, 2005
  5. Arturo Ui

    Ian Riches Guest

    Googled data varies slightly, but a Mk2 GTI weighed in somewhere around
    the 950kg mark - about the same as a 1.0 litre Lupo (should that be
    Lardo?) weighs today.

    Your Beetle cabrio is more like 1385 kg. That's pretty much a 50%
    weight increase, and goes a long way to explain the economy deficit.

    Ian Riches, Jun 1, 2005
  6. Arturo Ui

    Adrian Guest

    RichardK () gurgled happily, sounding much like
    they were saying :
    Umm, yes, I think I would, too.
    Adrian, Jun 1, 2005
  7. Arturo Ui

    conkersack Guest

    Don't get me wrong - I'm not economy minded when I choose or drive cars,
    Oh ok.
    Yeah, I would.
    Oh bleeding hell yeah, I know what you mean. It's farcical really.

    conkersack, Jun 1, 2005
  8. Arturo Ui

    AstraVanMan Guest

    Don't get me wrong - I'm not economy minded when I choose or drive cars,
    Granted, but OTOH engines are supposed to have improved in terms of
    technology and become more efficient than they used to be. Things obviously
    didn't weigh up properly.

    AstraVanMan, Jun 1, 2005
  9. Arturo Ui

    AstraVanMan Guest

    Fair play, I'm quite happy to get anything over 30mpg. Different
    On that point, I would agree with you wholeheartedly. One point six miles
    per gallon would be absolutely horrendously dissapointing on something like
    a V12 Jag, let alone a 1.6 Beetle :)

    AstraVanMan, Jun 1, 2005
  10. We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    drugs began to take hold. I remember RichardK
    Tanks get better mpg.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 1, 2005
  11. Arturo Ui

    RichardK Guest

    Oh, I know. But all the extra weight is for stuff I don't want - SRS,
    crash protection (I don't recall the old Beetle having much of that),
    emissions control crap. I mean, it even has plastic wings.

    No wonder I expected the 1.4 A140 to be a slug, but it is probably quite
    light really. Plastic wings, tailgate, quite light seats.

    RichardK, Jun 1, 2005
  12. Arturo Ui

    RichardK Guest

    Bah. I'm tired and trying to get organised to drive a Transit to
    Cambridge and Nuneaton.

    33mpg, of course.

    RichardK, Jun 1, 2005
  13. Arturo Ui

    DervMan Guest

    Yes it's a good enough engine, but it lacks brilliance.

    Much better than the 1.6 and 1.4, heh.
    DervMan, Jun 1, 2005
  14. Arturo Ui

    Adrian Guest

    Grimly Curmudgeon () gurgled happily,
    sounding much like they were saying :
    To quote SteveH elsewhere this evening, in ref to a certain Pinquecento -
    "Give it 'ere, I'll show you"...
    Adrian, Jun 1, 2005
  15. Arturo Ui

    SteveH Guest

    Or with the 1.8T.
    But an Octavia is screwed together better and will hold it's value much
    better. Interior space, yeah, I can see that, but that's because the
    Mondeo is a *huge* car these days, even the MkI/II was a lot bigger than
    an Octavia. Ride and handling are quite subjective and personal - I find
    my Passat rides and handles very well - ride is better than the 156, but
    it doesn't handle anywhere near as well, though. But that's more because
    the 156 handles exceptionally well, whereas the Passat / Mondeo etc are
    all around the 'average' ball-park.
    SteveH, Jun 1, 2005
  16. Fair enough - I'm not exactly huge, and only 21, so I've never found an
    issue there.
    Air Conditioning is brilliant - icy cold and the only squeeks I'm getting
    are from the leather (Driving me insane). Radio is indeed absolutely shite,
    which is why I've replaced it now.
    Hmm, mines a Ghia X so I guess its a bit nicer although we did have a 2.0 LX
    as the family car from 6 months old until 4 years old - the only bad thing
    it did was shed a ridiculous amount of value. Everything else about it was
    faultless, not a single thing went wrong and it didn't have any rattles
    after 50k when it was sold.

    Depreciation is absolutely savage - but thats why I got mine. I'd never had
    found a fully loaded 4 year old car for under £3k otherwise.
    Michael Rodgers, Jun 2, 2005
  17. Arturo Ui

    DervMan Guest

    Most do gallons per mile...
    DervMan, Jun 2, 2005
  18. Arturo Ui

    DervMan Guest

    But the Mondeo took the Peugeot 405's brilliance in the handling department
    and _made_ it average. It redefined the class average...
    DervMan, Jun 2, 2005
  19. Arturo Ui

    Nom Guest

    What's wrong with it using oil ?
    Why not ? Just top up as and when required.
    Nom, Jun 2, 2005
  20. Arturo Ui

    DervMan Guest

    Maybe some people are too lazy or forgetful to check their oil?

    <can of worms>
    DervMan, Jun 2, 2005
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