a strange one, 306 d

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by Gordon, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. Gordon

    Gordon Guest

    Hi Again
    this 306 turbo of mine has a little problem someone may be able to
    help with......on the motorway, if I put my foot down the car pulls away
    sluggishly, but if I lift my foot off and then slowly put my foot down a
    little at a time its like a rocket, push a little harder and it sort of just
    hangs for a while..bit weird and hard to put into words...

    Well here's hoping people

    Oh and have a great wonderful new year

    Gordon, Dec 27, 2005
  2. Gordon

    Chris Guest

    Might need a cleaner to go though the system. try one out i putone in
    mine and it helps.good luck
    from chris Addlestone Surrey
    Chris, Dec 27, 2005
  3. Gordon

    Malc Guest

    I've had a similar problem with a Xantia. In that case it was the EGR valve
    being held open. My local man who does these things disconnected it and all
    was well.
    Malc, Dec 27, 2005
  4. Gordon

    Gordon Guest

    I will try both, a cleaner ( I hope you mean a diesel additive?) also when I
    find my EGR valve (whatever and wherever thats is) I will disconnect it and
    see what happens..thanks for you help guys :)

    Gordon, Dec 28, 2005
  5. Gordon

    Joe Bloggs Guest

    Had something similar, except on a totally different car! (Renaul 19

    Turned out to be a faulty air flow sensor - so could be the same?

    Get to a good garage / tuner and they should be able to sort it sharpish

    Best of luck...
    Joe Bloggs, Jan 6, 2006
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