Aerial Mast on 206

Discussion in 'Peugeot 206' started by Teresa Morgan via, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. How easy is it to remove the light pod, it doesn't come off easy and I
    don't won't to force it without knowing what I'm doing?!?! Any ideas???
    Teresa Morgan via, Mar 25, 2005
  2. It is very easy...

    you take a flat head screwdriver and insert it on the right hand side of
    the light(pulling downwards). Once the light module is out, disconnect
    the cables for the bulb. Then insert your fingers into the rear of the
    assembly, i.e. tips of fingers pointing towards thr boot, and pull two
    clips to the front of the car (left and right.) This now gives you
    access to the bolt for the arial mast, (think it is a 8mm bolt) unscrew
    from the inside, and lift out from the outside


    Graham Westwood, Mar 28, 2005
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