Air conditioning is lazy

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Gibbs, May 16, 2005.

  1. Steve Gibbs

    Steve Gibbs Guest

    The climate air on my 306 1999 1.8 16v seems to very lazy. here's the
    * I get into the car on a hot day and the outside temp reading is high - say
    25 degrees.
    * The inside of the car is like an oven - say 40 degrees.
    * I turn the temp dial to18 degrees and set the fan to Auto - the fan just
    trickles cool air out. Its probably the equiavalent fan setting of 2.

    Now, I want it cold in the car and want it fast. So, I expect the fan to be
    on full blast until it gets close to 18 degrees in the car, then the fan can
    slow down to maintain the temperature.

    Over the summer, I have had to use the manual fan setting, instead of Auto,
    because it is not urgent enough.

    The only anomaly I have seen is that the outside temp gauge reads about 2
    degrees too high.
    Steve Gibbs, May 16, 2005
  2. Steve Gibbs

    Malc Guest

    It's the same on my Xantia, I think Citroen/Peugeot had a rethink on
    the A/C circuitry afer the XM. The A/C on my XM did exactly what you
    would expect/want. I run the fan on manual all the time because the
    auto setting is so unreliable. It did improve slightly after I fettled
    the connection onto the fan but it still doesn't do what you would
    Malc, May 16, 2005
  3. I remember reading somewhere if the gas pressure/quantity is to low then
    this symptom is apparent.

    first port of call IMHO is a regas.. if it doesnt fix the problem, then
    dunno, is this a new ting? or has the car always been like it..

    if its never been regassed, then that would definately be my first port of

    loopy livernose, May 16, 2005
  4. When the A/C is running is the air that it kicks out cold?

    Best check with a themometer, if possible one with a digital scale, if its
    kicking out less than 5 degrees C then its fine. My 206GTi 180 is similar
    but it picks up speed afer a few moments.

    The Shuntfield, May 16, 2005
  5. Steve Gibbs

    Johny H Guest

    There's your problem 1999 It will need regassing. The system needs
    recharging at least every three years, subject to your usage! I had a
    similar problem and was made very aware of lack of gas, no cooling
    effect.Incidentally I always found that auto seemed only to "trickle" the
    fan speed, never producing a full gale just a slight breeze.
    Johny H, May 16, 2005
  6. This is correct: regassed the aircon on my 2001 306 a couple of months'
    ago. Did the trick.
    southpawArcher, May 16, 2005
  7. Steve Gibbs

    Steve Gibbs Guest

    Thanks for the comments. All responses say the same thing, so I'm hopeful.
    Mind you, I can't relate the cause to the symptoms. Logic doesn't work out.

    BTW, the temperature coming out is approx 9-11 degrees.

    Cheers all.
    Steve Gibbs, May 16, 2005
  8. Steve Gibbs

    Steve Gibbs Guest

    Just had the air con checked out today. They said the gas is fine.
    Regardless of whether the aircon is or not, the auto setting fails to have
    any get up an go.
    Steve Gibbs, May 17, 2005
  9. Steve Gibbs

    Nom Guest

    It's all working just as it's supposed to.
    For some reason, the AUTO setting never raises the fan-speed enough to blow
    a meaningful blast of air out - my 406 is exactly the same.

    However, I've found that the Auto setting does a fine job of *keeping* the
    current temperature. So get in the car, start the engine, and put the fan
    speed on max. After a few minutes when the interior has cooled down, then
    hit the Auto switch.
    Nom, May 17, 2005
  10. when you have a re-gas get them to put a dye in it as well ,as 306's are
    prone to leaking refrigerant by the condensor pipes(AMONGEST OTHER PLACES!)
    ..peugeot air conditioning service intervals are every 2 years all the best
    MARK BANKS via, May 17, 2005
  11. Yeah, they did that.
    southpawArcher, May 18, 2005
  12. Steve Gibbs

    Joe Bloggs Guest

    I think you may find that the air you are blasting out on manual is warm air
    (not cooled by a/c) because you have not given the cooling system time to
    get itself warmed (cooled?) up so to speak. Try this - leave the fan on
    Auto; after 2-5 mins, does the speed pick up to near full and the air is
    cold? OK, next is harder to try - keep the interior thermostat quite high,
    with engine running, and let the interior temp rise; shut off the engine
    and leave for a minute to reset systems, then restart and select cold air &
    auto fan; because the system is charged, compressed, whatever, it should be
    able to provide cold air straight away and the fan should immediately go to
    high speed.

    Let me know how it goes....
    Joe Bloggs, May 19, 2005
  13. My 406 exec doesn't fire up unless the temp is 20+, then the auto setting
    slowly picks up speed 30 secs after starting the engine and immediately
    blasts me with cold air. However, If its only 17 or 18 outside, it leaves me
    to stew in stuffy car just as you have described. Phil
    Philip Western, May 19, 2005
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