Anyone ran their car on cooking oil

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by soundboy, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. soundboy

    soundboy Guest

    Hi all,
    Just wondering if anybody uses Cooking oil over Diesel. Heard a story
    recently or a couple who went to Morrisons (two trolleys) and filled their
    trolleys with boxes of cooking oil and left the trolleys full of empty boxes
    and empty cooking containers.

    The price of diesel is now through the roof (I'm also aware petrol is the

    There are FOURish important questions here:-

    {Cooking oil}

    1..........Does it damage your engine (plus how long can it be ran on it)
    2..........Would your car smell of the local chippy
    3..........Is it legal to use.
    4..........Would the car pass the emmission test

    soundboy, Nov 28, 2007
  2. soundboy

    Rexx Magnus Guest

    Potentially. The main thing is that it is thicker than diesel and
    can have problems with clogging if the weather is cold. A blend of
    oil and diesel would be better.
    Yes, it does have a distinctive smell.
    Technically, not - as you're bypassing the tax paid for regular
    Probably. Diesel logbooks simply show 'heavy oil' as the fuel type,
    and I'm not sure if there is a technical difference between using
    sunflower oil/diesel mix and fuel sold as biofuel.
    Rexx Magnus, Nov 28, 2007
  3. soundboy

    caveman_si Guest

    Depends on the engine. Some cars run perfectly on it with not issues
    what so ever, others will get trashed by just one litre of veg oil.
    Do some research into it.
    A little bit, also smells like a bbq abit too. Better then the smell
    of diesel.
    Yes perfectly legal to use. If you use less then 2500ltr per year
    then you dont have to do anything. If you use more then that then you
    have to register with HMRC and pay the duty on it.
    Yes. In fact aanectodatally a fully operational car running on veg
    oil will as a rule produce lower emisssions then on standard diesel fo
    the mot.

    For more information have a look at :
    caveman_si, Nov 28, 2007
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