Automatic Volume Control

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ~Tasoulinos~, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. ~Tasoulinos~

    ~Tasoulinos~ Guest

    My Peugeot 307cc has install it by factory!!!
    Does anyone knows how is it works???
    How can I test it????

    ~Tasoulinos~, Mar 26, 2005
  2. ~Tasoulinos~

    R1 Guest


    I think is is 'just' an light increase of volume depending on vehicle speed
    (the higher it is, the higher is probably the noise in the car).

    R1, Mar 27, 2005
  3. ~Tasoulinos~

    G.T Guest

    R1 gives the answer.
    Drive :) Make sure the "autovolume" feature is enabled. Enter the radio
    setup (press the right button of the MFD for 2 seconds, IIRC - see the
    user's manual) and check if autovolume is on. Then drive. My parents' 206
    has this enabled, can't really tell if it works - well, it should - the car
    isn't noisy enough I guess.
    G.T, Mar 27, 2005
  4. ~Tasoulinos~

    Rob Duijf Guest

    This can be adjusted at the dealer. The default setting is 3, max is 12 I

    Rob Duijf, Mar 30, 2005
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