
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mUs1Ka, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. mUs1Ka

    mUs1Ka Guest

    I have just bought a new 307 Envy. Sometimes, when I turn on the ignition,
    I hear 3 beeps. Can anyone tell me whay they signify?

    mUs1Ka, Aug 9, 2004
  2. mUs1Ka

    bRkiX Guest

    maybe you are low on fuel? mine beeps when reserve light is on..

    dong sound is heard when automatic lighting is active

    three beps are also heard when car is turned off, key is in ignition, and dors are
    bRkiX, Aug 10, 2004
  3. mUs1Ka

    G.T Guest

    And perhaps the cause for beeping is displayed on the MFD.
    G.T, Aug 10, 2004
  4. mUs1Ka

    Chris Guest

    Its normal to beep 3 times when the key is entered into the lock barrel,
    mine does this too. I believe it may the immobiliser/alarm system checking
    the key fob, but I may stand to be corrected on that theory?
    Chris, Aug 10, 2004
  5. mUs1Ka

    mUs1Ka Guest

    Thanks folks, but none of these is the answer. It only happens
    occasionally--three beeps, nothing else. Symbols show and go off as normal
    when the car is started. Because it is infrequent, it is difficult to work
    mUs1Ka, Aug 10, 2004
  6. mUs1Ka

    R1 Guest

    Look at the MultiFunction Display, you may have a message to explain the
    R1, Aug 11, 2004
  7. mUs1Ka

    mUs1Ka Guest

    OK, will do. Thanks.
    mUs1Ka, Aug 11, 2004
  8. I've just taken deliveryof a 307 HDi and the same thing happened to me last
    night. I got three beeps when I turned off the engine, but the 3-beep
    pattern repeated about 10 times. The first time this has happended after
    about 10 journeys
    I'm also a bit mysitified as to what the beeping signifies - of you find
    out, then please post here as I'd like to fin out as well.
    The Man Himself, Sep 4, 2004
  9. mUs1Ka

    mUs1Ka Guest

    If your 3 beeps form a rising pattern, it probably means that you opened the
    door with the key still in the ignition.
    Try it.
    mUs1Ka, Sep 4, 2004
  10. mUs1Ka

    G.T Guest

    But the "stop" alert light should blink.
    Coming late, but I thought of it, when thinking of my parents' 2002 206 :
    three times three beeps (with rising notes, something like A B C), with key
    in the ignition barrel has possibly something to see with the transponder. I
    give a demonstration : you'll have a hole around the barrel. Cover it with
    something (your finger, for example), no more beeps. I don't know if the car
    still starts like that, though - I guess not.
    G.T, Sep 9, 2004
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