bio diesel

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Chris, Sep 25, 2008.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    Well see that a store near me is saleing bio diesel(b30) anybody know
    if i can run this in a pug 405 non turbo 1992.xud9a/l ?? they have not
    put a price up yet to say how much it is.
    Chris, Sep 25, 2008
  2. It should run perfectly. These engines run on anything that'll burn,
    as long it's sufficiently lubricating. (Not paraffin etc)

    I used to run my 1993 405 non-turbo on a mixture of 20% petrol, 50%
    diesel, and 30% cooking oil. It actually ran better, and smoked a lot
    less. The MOT smoke test reading when using this mixture was 0.05, the
    previous MOT reading was 1.28 on normal diesel.
    Richard Swaby, Sep 30, 2008
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