Brack disc thickness - Pug 306, 1998, 1.4 petrol

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by David Hearn, May 4, 2007.

  1. David Hearn

    David Hearn Guest

    The car is a Peugeot 306 1998, 1.4l petrol. It has solid front discs
    with (if I remember correctly) Bosch calipers (the one where you remove
    1 bolt and it rotates upwards to reveal the pads)

    I checked the front pads and discs last weekend and planned on changing
    the pads this weekend, but I just wanted to check whether the discs need
    changing too.

    I don't have a micrometer to measure the actual thickness of the faces,
    but I did measure the thickness of the rusty edge lip. This was 13mm.
    And it appears that I have a 1mm lip each side, thus I'm estimating that
    the disc is approximately 11mm thick at present.

    Looking at Haynes it says:

    Disc thickness:
    Solid disc: 10.0mm
    Minimum thickness
    Solid disc: 8.0mm

    None of these seem to fit with a 11mm (used) disc. Plus, they make no
    reference to Bosch calipers - just ATE, Bendix and others I think.

    So, can anyone provide the original thickness and minimum thickness for
    this setup?


    David Hearn, May 4, 2007
  2. David Hearn

    Duncan Wood Guest

    You have now succesfully demonstrated that the rusty bits irrelevant :)
    Digital calipers are £12.50 in woolworths or about £8 on ebay & they're
    quite usefull things in the toolbox
    Duncan Wood, May 4, 2007
  3. David Hearn

    David Hearn Guest

    True about the price - however I can successfully measure the rusty bits
    at 13mm. A simple ruler on the side shows it's 13mm. I can also see
    that the lip is, approx, no more than 1mm on each side, thus the disc is
    approx 11mm in thickness.

    I'm not saying that I'm accurately measuring the disc to be 11mm, but
    that it appears to be (give or take a mm) about 11mm thick, certainly in
    excess of the 10mm which Haynes says is a brand new disc. And for a
    disc which is a couple of years old I would have expected it to have
    worn a bit.

    I just wondered whether there were different discs used with different
    caliper setups, and whether I had a thicker disc.

    Having a micrometer would only mean I could measure the thickness - if I
    don't know what the minimum or brand new thicknesses are, then it's a
    bit pointless. ;)

    David Hearn, May 4, 2007
  4. David Hearn

    Nigel Guest

    This from the Peugeot site. Max thickness 13mm. Min thickness 11mm.
    Diameter 247mm

    That's for 306 with solid discs from Vin 32000001.
    Nigel, May 4, 2007
  5. David Hearn

    David Hearn Guest

    Excellent - that's just what I'm after. Just checked the VIN and it
    ends in 325xxxxx and the 13mm outer I measured seems right. Looks like
    I'll pick up some discs tomorrow. Thanks again.

    David Hearn, May 4, 2007
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