Hi all, my 2006 peugeot 207 1.6 diesel sport 90bhp has developed what seems to be a favourite fault:- dash reading Stop! Brake system faulty Power stering faulty Anti poultion faulty Also speedo not working. yet still drives ok albeit without a speedo and no power sterring some folks have sent off abs ecu and had that returned with no problem, lots of different advice (usually paying for diagnostic with nothing showing to solve problem) about this seemingly well known problem but can't see a solution anywhere only done 70,000 miles but considering 2nd hand value is it worth investigating? seems like i could be throwing money at the problem but with no succesful outcome at the end as much as i'd hate to it may make more sense just to scrap her which is really annoying as other than having a few mental problems running just grand. Anyone know a car psychiatrist?