break lights on 406

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by swannie, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. swannie

    swannie Guest

    all break lights have failed on my 406, ive tried fuses and bulbs and thats
    not the problem, if anyone can help ill be grateful. plus all other lights
    swannie, Jun 5, 2005
  2. ok sounds like the brake light switch located just above the brake pedal
    ..just to try ,unplug and bridge together to see if lights come on .If you
    can use a multi meter and can wait until tomorrow i will get the wiring
    diagrams from work( you'll need to post your chassis number /reg/build
    code.all the best mark
    MARK B via, Jun 5, 2005
  3. swannie

    swannie Guest

    cheers for getting back so promptly mark, can you tell me if i take it to
    the garage, if its going to cost much and also it judders and backfires
    when accelerating hard, ignition coil has recently been renewed and worked
    well for a while.. any advice you can give me will be welcomed, im no good
    with motors as im, cheers
    swannie, Jun 5, 2005
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