breather pipe wont budge

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by species8350, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    The breather pipe that connects the oil filler cap to the throttle
    housing appears to have affixed itself to the metal at the throttle
    housing. I don't want to cut it off, just remove it for cleaning.

    Has anyone any tips for removing a good pipe that is solidly fixed (no
    softening or damage) by heat to the metal.

    species8350, Nov 12, 2005
  2. Try heating it gently with a hair dryer.
    A million things to fix, Nov 14, 2005
  3. species8350

    species8350 Guest

    This has given me an idea.

    How about this. After I next use the car, open the bonnet and attempt
    to loosen the pipe while things are warm, then reset the pipe and
    hopefully the next time I try to remove it, when the engine is cold,
    I,ll have more luck.



    PS. Don't have a hair dryer
    species8350, Nov 15, 2005
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