Can you diagnose this idle problem?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Gibbs, May 17, 2005.

  1. Steve Gibbs

    Steve Gibbs Guest

    A year 2000, 1.8 16v XU7JP4.

    When the car has warmed up and is idling, there is an intermittent miss. I
    call it a miss, but technically it probably isn't one. When in the car, you
    can feel the car gentle vibrate then stop, vibrate then stop. Inside the
    car, you can't hear an engine note change and the rev needle doesn't move.
    You only feel it lightly 'shudder'.

    If you are outside the car, you hear the engine and exhaust subtly labour,
    then pick up again.

    I have tried various plugs, have a new O2 sensor and air filter, have tried
    various fuels, injection cleaners and have given the idle stepper motor and
    throttle body a good clean. I've no fault codes, it drives perfectly, never
    stalls and always starts.

    I thought my recent O2 sensor had fixed it, but this morning, it came back.
    The only difference between today and yesterday is the fact that today it is
    very wet. I also wonder whether the idle stepper motor is being a little
    sluggish, although it's not something I have heard of before.
    Steve Gibbs, May 17, 2005
  2. Steve Gibbs

    Johny H Guest

    It possibly when the A/C pump kicks in. Try knocking the a/c off and on
    listen to the drop in revs.
    Johny H, May 17, 2005
  3. Hello i think first you need to establish if it IS a misfire or a
    characteristic of this engine type.The xu7 engine isn't the best peugeot
    have made and don't really idle that well (in fact we haven't made a good
    petrol yet!) and can be easily mistaken for a misfire as they are wank .
    personally if i where you i'd save loads of time by just nipping it to your
    local peugeot dealer and asking the master tech to have a quick look at it
    to see if its "normal" or not.If normal they still may be able to flash the
    e.c.u. then reinialise it .This makes a little difference but not
    brilliant.also get him to read the e.c.u. for faults (even though they
    don't always record any!!).If on the other hand he bursts out laughing and
    say's its missing it's tits off ,you can then continue in your diagnostic
    search or leave it at the dealer perhaps for him to "scope-it-out". let me
    know how you get on ..
    all the best... mark
    MARK BANKS via, May 17, 2005
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