Changing radio on 306

Discussion in 'Peugeot 306' started by John Orrett, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. John Orrett

    John Orrett Guest

    Hi all; I know this topic has been discussed before. I bought my missus a
    new Pioneer Radio/CD player for Christmas, but have been unable to get the
    old unit out! I have tried several long strips of metal (hacksaw blades
    etc.) without success, so I might have to take it to an auto electrician or
    Can anyone advise how much they are likely to charge to remove and replace
    the units?
    If I do finally manage to get the old one out myself, is it a
    straightforward ISO connector block or are there other leads for the
    steering column arms?
    Also, should I disconnect the battery before messing around?
    Many thanks,
    John Orrett, Jan 8, 2004
  2. John Orrett

    Mark Guest

    When you get it out there are separate connectors for the joystick
    it plugged straight into my alpine head unit (mines a 98 R)

    to get it out use two small flat headed screw drivers and insert then half a
    centimetre into the 2 holes underneath the stereo
    lift the screw drivers up and it'll release the unit, stick your fingers in
    the tape slot for a nice grip and pull it out

    its a gental job and wont require any force, maybe a little when your
    pulling the unit out
    Mark, Jan 8, 2004
  3. John Orrett

    John Orrett Guest

    Thanks Mark - I'll give that a go tomorrow.
    John Orrett, Jan 8, 2004
  4. John Orrett

    VulcanXH558 Guest

    Mine in my '98 306 resisted all my efforts, the local Peugeot dealer said he
    would have a go for no charge and proceeded to try with the proper
    implements for 20 minutes before he gave up.
    After two days of trying I was about to give up when I decided to try two
    tiny screwdrivers, the kind for fixing spectacles, inserted just a tiny way
    less than a centimetre and lift the ends upwards. This time I heard a slight
    click, holding both screwdrivers at the same angle I pulled at the cassette
    slot and it just came out.
    The connectors on the back are standard ISO with a separate connector for
    the joystick and I didn't disconnect the battery when I fitted the new one.
    VulcanXH558, Jan 8, 2004
  5. John Orrett

    John Orrett Guest


    Good stuff. Thanks VulcanXH558! I'll let you know how I get on.
    John Orrett, Jan 8, 2004
  6. John Orrett

    John Orrett Guest


    Finally got it out! I went to my local Peugeot dealer and they spent 20 mins
    with various pieces of funny shaped metal trying to get it out. Eventually I
    grabbed a flat blade screwdriver, stuck it underneath the radio in the
    middle and pushed down. Lo and behold, the thing popped out and I unplugged
    it all.
    Now please excuse the ignorance while I ask a couple of questions. I have
    connected the unit up using the ISO connector and tried it out
    successfully. However, my old Clarion unit had an extra connector block
    covered in some kind of material (I presume for the remote), while the new
    Pioneer unit does not have the same size connector. Also, the aerial lead
    from the car does not fit into the Pioneer, being too big. Can I get a
    little cylindrical converter as such?
    When the unit was delivered in the box, it was already inside the metal
    sleeve. Can I leave this as is, or should I remove the player, insert the
    sleeve into the dashboard and try and anchor it in place with the lugs, and
    then put the Pioneer back in it?
    Finally, I have bought a facia plate for the car. I presume that this slides
    over the back of the unit to the front of it and just sits there, held in
    place by the radio, as there is no fixing option for the facia plate.
    Again, sorry for my ignorance, and thanks for the help so far. Having got
    this far, I am determined to try and do it myself rather than take it to an
    auto electrician.

    Best wishes,
    John Orrett, Jan 9, 2004
  7. John Orrett

    Mike Guest

    enable me to use the cars remote with my Sony.
    The metal sleeve should be fitted first and fixed in place by pressing out
    the lugs so that when you slide your radio in place it will lock into
    position, you should also have a tool to release the radio from the sleeve
    should you need to take it out again.
    I never bothered to get a facia because it looks ok without one but i know
    someone that used double sided foam pads to stick the facia to the dash
    because there was no other way to fix it.

    Mike, Jan 10, 2004
  8. John Orrett

    John Orrett Guest

    Thanks for the advice Mike,
    John Orrett, Jan 10, 2004
  9. John Orrett

    X Guest

    Sorry to jump on yer post m8 :

    Mike couldn't help but notice you mentioned:
    my Sony unit i got an adaptor lead to enable me to use the cars remote with
    my Sony.

    I use a sony unit as well were can i get this adapter for the remote and
    what sort of money we talkin

    Thanx for your help !!
    X, Jan 11, 2004
  10. John Orrett

    Len Cuff Guest

    Autoleads (google search) costs about £30.

    Len Cuff, Jan 11, 2004
  11. John Orrett

    John Orrett Guest

    She can do without it. She never used it with the old radio anyway. If I
    don't tell her, she'll never know! I had to go to Halfords today to get an
    aerial converter from the Pug to the Pioneer, as the Pug connector was far
    too big for the new unit. I'll have a go at fitting it in the next couple of
    days :).
    John Orrett, Jan 11, 2004
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