Cigarette Lighter For 307???

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by Nick \(UK\), Jan 11, 2004.

  1. Nick \(UK\)

    Nick \(UK\) Guest

    Peugeot reckon that they dont make one, and don't know of any elements that
    will fit the existing socket. Personally I find this hard to believe as if
    the socket can accept a power adaptor then surely it must take a lighter

    They even went so far as to say an aftermarket one would not work, which I
    think must be bull.

    Does anyone here know any different?


    Nick \(UK\), Jan 11, 2004
  2. Nick \(UK\)

    G.T Guest

    Perhaps the "power adapter plug" has a thinner wiring, so it cannot stand an
    as high amperage than the cigarette lighter - just an idea, no clue if it's
    the case.
    G.T, Jan 11, 2004
  3. Nick \(UK\)

    Oliver Guest

    Just try buying a cig lighter, or goin down the scrap yard and gettin one
    for a £1 and try it...can't do any harm, and even if it did pop a fuse,
    what's that? 5p?

    good luck!
    Oliver, Jan 13, 2004
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