Clarion CD Changer in 406

Discussion in 'Peugeot 406' started by Adrian via, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I have just bought and installed a Clarion CD Changer for my 406 (99-), but
    the Clarion head unit seems to be ignoring it.

    It's a second-hand changer so it may be broken, but I have heard that the
    Clarion (MUX) head unit may need re-initialising in order for it to talk to
    the changer. Does anyone know if this is the case? I contacted my local
    dealer to see if they could help and they confirmed that the unit would need
    initialising but want to charge me £40 for the work, which seems outrageous.
    So, my other questions are:

    1. Does this *have* to be done by a dealer? If not, how do you do it?
    3. Has anyone been through this before? If so, what did the changer do before
    the head unit was initialised? Could you eject the CD caddy?


    Adrian via, Sep 9, 2005

  2. Hi adrian basically your vehicle has a b.s.i (central computer) this needs to
    be configurated to accept a multi-changer to present.Also the multi-function
    screen will need to be configured to accept a multi-changer
    ..The multi-changer should still be powered -up as it is now but it's data
    will be ignored untill its recognised on the "van comfort network" by being
    configurated.The vehicle HAS to go to a main dealer to go on the diagnostic
    equipment for the job to be done .
    MARK B pug m.t. via, Sep 10, 2005
  3. Thanks, Mark - a very clear and informative answer!

    Adrian via, Sep 10, 2005

  4. No worries mate anytime.
    MARK B pug m.t. via, Sep 10, 2005
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