Coolant Loss 405

Discussion in 'Peugeot 405' started by Tempest, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. Tempest

    Tempest Guest


    Today I have made 2 trip out in my 'G' reg 405 GLD, one of about 25 miles,
    the other about 4. Both times the low coolant light has come on on the way
    back home, and each time the expansion bottle has been empty requiring
    almost 2 litres of water each time to refill.

    I can see no fluid loss from hoses, and there is no dripping from underneath
    the car. Oil on the dipstick looks fine. Im assuming if the head gasket was
    going, this would show oil in the water???

    Any suggestions?


    Tempest, Nov 19, 2003
  2. Run the car hot, it could be that you have a small hose-pipe leak that
    is only showing itself when the system is under pressure!!


    John J. Burness, Nov 19, 2003
  3. Tempest

    Tempest Guest

    Upon returning from the second trip I left the car running, but found no
    leak from anywhere and no dripping underneath.
    Tempest, Nov 19, 2003
  4. Tempest

    Oliver Guest

    I'm actually having the same mystery with a 306! If you look above there's a
    post called 306 Coolant...

    I have had a gas test and pressure test done at the garage and have found no
    explanation for the loss :( I'm not losing quite as much as you though

    I'm takin it back to the garage in the near future for some more fiddling
    about, if I find out what the problem seems to be, I'll let you know!

    Oliver, Nov 19, 2003
  5. Tempest

    Dan405 Guest

    Do that, and rev it - mine did this, hose at the back was perished and under
    load it was squirting onto the block and evaporating immiedietly.
    Dan405, Nov 20, 2003
  6. Tempest

    Nice1 Guest

    Hi if no visable leaks then i would say its your head gasket gone, i know
    this because i have 2 peugeots 1 a 405 td and the other a 605 stdt, i am at
    the moment fetting a replacment engine in the 405, and my 605 is using water
    at a rate of 1 liter aday and no signs of leaks, just one thing does your
    system hold its pressure when its cold? if yes then there is no leak as the
    pressure in the system would go, but with the head going then the pressure
    would stay as its forcing air into it, (thats what i think anyway) one more
    thing to say, dont only check for leaks in the engine compartment, also try
    in side as thats where your heater matrix is, just cheack the carpet to see
    if its wet.

    Good luck
    Nice1, Nov 20, 2003
  7. Tempest

    Mr.Nice. Guest

    Twas Wed, 19 Nov 2003 19:49:28 -0000 when "Tempest"
    I was losing coolant from mine (405 grd) and found it to be the
    radiator, I saw white markes left by (I assume) minarals and/or
    antifreeze where the water had leaked and evaporated.
    As I can't afford a new radiator yet I threw in a bottle of radweld (I
    know.!.) and that's fixed it for now. Temporary of course.

    Mark.(AKA, Mr.Nice.)
    "To know the character of a man, give him anonymity" - Mr.Nice.
    Mr.Nice., Nov 20, 2003
  8. Tempest

    Tempest Guest

    cap comes off without any release of pressure when cold.
    no water loss inside the car, this was one of the first things i checked as
    i had an escort years ago that popped the matrix flooding the insides.
    Tempest, Nov 20, 2003
  9. Tempest

    ZS Guest

    I had similar on a diesel Clio. Turned out the heater matrix was leaking,
    and the missing fluid was collecting in some chassis member under the floor.
    Finally got wet carpet when the chassis filled up! :)

    ZS, Nov 30, 2003
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