Défaut 307 "ça couinnnnnnnne"

Discussion in 'Peugeot 307' started by le canard déchainé, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. La grande majoritée des 307 ont un défaut de fabrication, après quelques
    milliers de kilomètres un bruit de vielle charrette se fait entendre à
    l'accéleration et au freinage, cela et du à la "rotule d'échappement" cette
    pièce doit etre changer gratuitement par le réseau Peugeot car c'est un
    défaut de fabrication .

    Pour plus d'info
    le canard déchainé, Jun 25, 2004
  2. le canard déchainé

    Gunslinger Guest

    Anybody else noticed a 'noise of an old cart' when braking or accelerating?

    While many might argue that the great majority of 307's have a
    'manufacturing fault', I'm not sure I've ever heard of that one!
    Gunslinger, Jun 27, 2004
  3. le canard déchainé

    Nigel Guest

    There is a problem with the lower engine mounting, usually cured by
    putting a new rubber part into the mounting and rotating it 45 degrees
    Also there was a noise from the exhaust and there is a modified
    mounting available.
    Nigel, Jun 27, 2004
  4. le canard déchainé

    Androo Guest


    Yes, constantly.

    Drive down a narrow country road with the windows open and the squeaking is
    almost funny.

    Peugoeot reckons their seventeenth "fix" for the exhaust will cure it. We'll

    Perhaps in anticipation of a cure for one of our 307's many funny noises,
    the nearside passenger door has started rattling and creaking.

    The 307 makes the noise of an old cart because it's built like one.

    Androo, Jun 28, 2004
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